Monday, November 5, 2018

Halloween 2018

October is always a pretty busy month for us, especially as Halloween gets close.  This year, we had quite a few fun things to go and do!

Trunk or Treat
First up was a Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival at our church.  This was about a week before Halloween, and we decided to go, but we didn't dress up in our real costumes.  We have a huge dress-up bucket in our playroom, so they just picked up something from there.  As soon as we got there, we met up with Luke and Logan to do the Trunk or Treating!

A vet, a soldier, a shark, and Buzz Lightyear!

All the kids were so excited to see Baymax!

LL said she felt bad that no one was taking a picture with the T-Rex, so she went over there to take one.  

This whole family is a fan of Halloween!

They had quite a few things to do, but we ended up not doing much because it was just extremely crowded.  The kids had their hearts set on the hay ride, so that was one thing we did wait in line for.

Neighborhood Fall Festival
We are absolutely loving neighborhood life since moving!  One of the things that we love are the activities that the neighborhood does.  The Sunday before Halloween, we all met up at the neighborhood park for a little Fall Festival!
(PS- Minion Cooper cracks me up!)

There was a bounce slide and a bounce house, and that is where Cooper lived during the duration that we were at the Fall Festival.  This is his happy place!

They also had bobbing for apples.  LL wanted to do this so bad, and I was so so grossed out.  Finally I just gave in.  If she wanted to put her mouth in there, that is her business - haha.  And she was so happy she got to do it!


They also had a snowcone truck for everyone.  I said that the bounce stuff was Cooper's favorite, but I may have lied.  Both of the kids love a snow cone!

We've seen the Kona Ice truck around town, but we've never had one.  The kids said it was great!

Just a hot-mess Minion living his best life with a blue snow cone.

Halloween Night
Obviously, the big event was Halloween night!  A few years ago, we started trick-or-treating with the Parker's.  At our old house, we didn't have a neighborhood, so we used to drive to them since we couldn't trick-or-treat at home.  This year, we were faced with a dilemma.  We love trick-or-treating with our friends, but we're also part of a (really nice) neighborhood now!  We talked about it, and we decided the atmosphere with our friends really can't be topped, so we wanted to continue trick-or-treating in their neighborhood with them!  Trick-or-treating starts at 6:00 in our town, but we went over there around 5:15 to eat dinner before the main event!

Here are the kids real costumes for this year:
Cooper was a police man (we were going for an 80's vibe), and LL was Ann Wheeler from The Greatest Showman!

Matt just modified his work scrubs and went as a surgeon.

Sweet Hadley came to hang out for a little while!  She didn't trick-or-treat with us, but it was so great to see her in her costume!

Little Bo Peep and her Sheep!

The 2018 Trick-or-Treat crew!

We're ready to go!

Events with my kids are fun.  Events with my kids and my bff??  Even better.

When Zach takes your pic, you get a really good angle!  Haha.

Two kids as happy as can be!

Sweet Spear was so chill and happy!

A little hand holding happened along the way!

Towards the end, LL started holding hands and staying with Tess, and it was the cutest thing!

Kye and Cooper headed to the spooky house!

Tess and LL headed next!

We made sure that we left in plenty of time for the kids to trick-or-treat around our little section of our new neighborhood.  We saw our neighbors as soon as we pulled, so we went around with them for a little while.

I don't think they've ever come home with completely full baskets before!

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