Monday, November 24, 2014

Halloween 2014

I was really looking forward to Halloween this year.  I had a fun dress up day at school, LL was able to wear her costume at school, and Cooper was old enough to start getting into it.  Then on Monday Cooper started feeling bad.  We took him to the doctor and his test came back positive for Strep.  With it being Monday, I figured he would be good to go by Friday after being on antibiotics for a few days.  Then Thursday, he developed a rash and we ended up back at the walk-in clinic.  Turns out, he had an allergic reaction to his antibiotic (and that was probably the reason that his fever hung on for forever and he didn't seem to be getting better very fast), so we had to get a whole new antibiotic for him.  

With Cooper being sick, we cancelled our plans for family pictures on Saturday, and decided to make our Halloween super low-key.  

Friday morning, LL got all ready to go to school as a butterfly!  Isn't she the prettiest butterfly you've ever seen??

In the car at school waiting on the bus.

After school, we headed to Grammy's house.  While we were there, we re-did her make up, got Coop dressed, met up with Daddy, and headed out to the grandparents' houses to do some trick or treating!

Here's my beautiful butterfly:

There's a story behind Cooper's outfit.  Matt and I have become close friends with Kayla (a teacher I work with) and her husband Andrew.  Andrew is in the air force and is gone a lot, but he's a great guy, and we've all fallen in love with Kayla ("KKs" as Cooper calls her) and Andrew.  For Halloween, I found Cooper a little flight suit, and Andrew let Cooper use some of his patches and pins - so Cooper was Mr. Andrew for Halloween!  I was so proud for him to be dressed as someone as great as Mr. Andrew.  Unfortunately, Mr. Andrew isn't in town right now, so we took lots of pictures for him to see Cooper in his outfit.  

Check out this stud!

Thankfully, you can't really tell that he had a rash all over his face!

I love these kids!

 I melt...

Since I was dressed up from school and both kids were dressed up, Daddy decided not to be left out and to dress up, too!  These kids have an awesome Daddy.

(Thanks, Coop)

Time for trick-or-treating!  First up, Gigi and Poppy's!

Next we stopped by Oma and Opa's.

We also went to see MeeMee.

Last, we ended up back and Grammy and Pop's.  The kids did their trick-or-treating and then we stayed for dinner.  It worked out perfectly!

My sweet family on Halloween: a robber, a cowboy, a fighter pilot, and a butterfly!  I am so blessed to have this family!

You can see our past Halloweens here:
2013 - LL was a Dalmation and Cooper was a fireman!
2012 - LL was Uh-Oh (our cat) and Cooper was a president!
2011- LL refused to dress up, so we just went to Wild Adventures with Ben.  ;)
2010 - LL was a ballerina
2009 - We took LL to a fall festival.


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