Friday, November 9, 2018

October Randoms

Matt and I were talking about this recently, but since school has started, time has been flying.  I feel like we've blinked and gone from September to November.  October was a pretty busy and fun month for us, but we still had quite a bit of stuff left over that didn't fit into a post of it's own.  Here is all of our random stuff from October!

One really big, exciting thing?

My classroom got a class pet!!!

Meet Ronald Reagan!  He's a guinea pig, and both my personal children and my school children are absolutely in love with him!

He is a very fun addition to my classroom!
(If you're a teacher - you can apply for a grant through to get a class pet of your own!)

It's kind of fun to have a little buddy while I work in a quiet classroom during my planning.

And having a playmate for my personal children before and after school isn't a bad part of the deal, either!

We had family pictures this month also!  They turned out great, and you should check out the posts if you didn't see them!

I have some of the sweetest students!  Some homemade goodies showed up on my desk one day!

Another big deal this month is that LL started gymnastics again!  She took lessons for about 8 months a few years ago.  She was about 5/6 years old, and we ultimately quit because she was wanting to just play and not actually work to get better.  After a few years off and lots of talking about our expectations, she wanted to sign back up.  We've gone to about 4 lessons so far, and she's loving it and working hard!

I jumped on this train this month.  While I'm liking this, I still haven't finished it. #sobusy

Hurricane Michael came through this month.  While our area didn't get hit as hard as what we anticipated, we still missed 3 days of school and were effected a good bit.  This meme on fb did make me laugh one day.

Hurricane snuggles and movie watching! (the perks of never losing power)

Ronald Reagan came home with us for the hurricane break.  We couldn't leave our new friend all alone!

Not really what you want to see, but thank goodness it shifted west a little.

The worst of it was supposed to hit us from 8pm - 2am.  Just to be safe, we cleaned out our closet under our stairs and the kids slept there for the night.

The next morning, we went out to survey the damage.  This was about it for us.  Our fence had some minor damage and we had some bigger limbs in the front yard, but that was about it!

After Matt cleaned up the yard from the debris, he decided to pressure wash the back porch.  It's something that's been on our list since we moved in, but we just haven't gotten to it yet.  Here's the before...

The After!

Ha!  You gotta love Halloween costumes!

I'm forcing myself to like coffee - haha.  The Salted Caramel Frap is my current favorite!

RR snuggles.

Matt and I got in a much needed date night to the movies this month!  We saw Venom and loved it!

We had Logan's birthday party this month which is always a favorite for all of us!

We all love Logan, but I'm pretty sure LL loves him the best.

My essential oils order for the month.  I was so pumped about this!

A Sunday morning pic!

Love.  This.

Ya'll.  Matt and I have been married for 14 years.  I can tell you that this has caused some of the worst arguments in our entire marriage.  #don'ttouchmyfood

This month was also time for a change!


So.  Much.  Better.
My hair was in major need of some TLC!

My new school has more treats on the reg than I've ever seen before!  I'm going to be fat (but happy) by the end of the year - haha.

If you didn't know, October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.  I am 1 in 4.

Cooper's school pics this year were SO EPIC!!  I don't know what they did to get him to smile like this, but it's amazing!

This is the most accurate description of my life.  Ever.

Still loving neighborhood life and playing outside!

Gotta love a Friday and a Hat Day!

This dog irritates the snot out of me, but man if she's not amazing to my kids.  Matt was out of town one Friday, so LL and I had a sleepover in the "big bed".  She went to bed before I did, and this is how I found her when I went in later.

Early morning snuggles with my boy.

Every once in a while they stop fighting and are sweet to each other.

Matt and Cooper got in some boy time and went hunting this month!

LL spent the night with Gigi one night, and Gigi took these sweet pictures of her sleeping (holding my teddy bear from when I was her age).

I saw this on social media and it totally made me laugh.  #getready

I busted out the InstaPot for Taco Soup this month and it turned out amazing!

It's not October without Hocus Pocus!

Matt left his work computer on the table one day, and Cooper sat down to help him with his work.  :)

Of course GA goes from summer, straight to winter for a few days, and then back to summer.  I'm still waiting on Fall.  #itwas80degreestoday

I posted this on facebook this month:
7 days ago, I posed that I am #1in4. October 15 is pregnancy and infant loss awareness day. Why does that matter? Why share that? Because there are so many women out there right now going through miscarriage, struggling to get pregnant, or have just lost a baby. And they feel alone. So so so alone. Losing a pregnancy is such an isolating, deep, dark place. So I share that I am #1in4 to let that woman who is struggling (probably in silence) know that she is not alone. I have been where you are. I have carried the grief you carry. I have been in that deep, dark pit. You, my sweet amazing woman, are not alone. But I also share to possibly give hope. To not only let that woman know that she is not alone, but that there is a chance of bright sunshine ahead. You see, 7 years ago today, on October 22, I started to climb out of that pit when a tiny little stick told me that a rainbow was ahead. That days filled with sunshine were coming my way. 7 years ago, I had no idea that this little boy would end up being one of the biggest blessings of my life. This little boy is my rainbow baby. LL made me a mom and showed me what an incredible blessing motherhood is. It is the greatest thing I will ever do. And my sweet LL would have been more than enough. But Cooper. Cooper is my proof that God does hear me. And He knows the desires of my heart. That He sees me at the lowest, darkest pit that I have ever been in. The greatest blessing in our life aren’t promised to come without traveling through the worst moments of our life first. So please, my friend. Hold on. Keep praying. Keep going. You are not alone.

My brain.  It is not my friend at bed time!

My school had spirit night at Chick-Fil-A one day, and the kids were excited to see this visitor on the way to my classroom in the afternoon when they got off of the bus!

Of course we had to find Mrs. April!

Anyone else see this?  So funny and so accurate!

Sweet Hadley came to visit one weekend!

I had the worst migraine ever this month.  After sleeping for 17 hours, and tons of meds, I finally came out of it.  Matt took this picture when I was still in the middle of the awfulness of it.  This dog is so irritating and so sweet at the same time.

I'm still working on this one, too - haha.

I came out of my migraine but was just wiped.  Snuggles with my sweet girl were just what I needed.

Another Sunday Morning pic!

We also had Red Ribbon Week this month.  The kids had favorite team day.

I had twin day!  I literally get mistaken for Ashleigh several times a week - so dressing as twins was the only logical thing to do!

There were a few rough moments this month. I came home one day to beautiful flowers from my sweet husband.

This is not the message you want to get when you're at work about your 14 year old almost blind/almost deaf dog.  #ohlola

I tried these for my lunches this month and I love them!  They are so yummy!

Our family pictures came back just in time for a reminder from TimeHop!  It's amazing what can change in 6 years!

The kids and I both had "red day" during Red Ribbon Week!

I laughed so hard when I saw this book in LL's bookbag...

I probably should stop - haha.

LL had to do a character book report using a pumpkin, and this is what she came up with!  She and Daddy did a great job turning a pumpkin into a dolphin!

Halloween was hat day for the kids.

I have a girl's trip to NYC in November, and the temps are supposed to be in the 40's.  I have zero warm boots, so I ordered some.  I can't wait to break them in in NYC!

OOTM (outfits of the month):

That's a wrap for October!

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