Monday, October 13, 2014

Kid's Dig It

Our local 4-H puts on an event every year called "Kids Dig It", and they basically bring in a ton of construction equipment (tractors, trucks, lawn-mowers, fire-trucks, etc.) and the kids just get to climb all over them and have a blast!  We've never been before because LL wouldn't have been super excited and Cooper has been too little to care, but we knew this year that Cooper would probably lose his mind!  LL spent the night with Grammy and Pop the night before, so they just met us there and we all went in together.

Lowe's was there giving out aprons, and Cooper actually didn't mind wearing it.

I mean, can you even handle this smile on his face??

Big vehicles = big tires.

Surprisingly, LL was pretty excited to get in all of the vehicles, too.

We actually were there at the same time as The Hempe's, so we got to walk around with Luke for a little while.

Meg and I have been best friends for 25 years, so I love seeing the relationship between LL and Luke grow.

Cutest driver ever!

At our visit to the forestation this summer, he wasn't too excited to get in the fire truck.  This time, he was pumped!

You could also buy tickets for the kids to use to get to ride in a tractor, so we got two tickets so that they each could ride.

Watching LL ride away in the tractor.

Cooper's turn!

The last thing that we did before leaving was to take a hay ride!

My favorite boys.

We had such a fun morning!  At it was very cloudy (and started to rain as we were leaving), so it wasn't too hot at all.  I know for sure that we'll be going back next year!

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