Monday, March 19, 2018

LL's 9th Birthday Letter from Daddy

Dear Lorelai,

     First off let me say that I love being your daddy!!! It's so much fun watching you grow. I can't even begin to tell you how proud of you I am. Your bright, infectious smile is always the highlight of my day. This is your last year in the single digits and its so hard to believe that my little girl is becoming a little lady. I love watching you spend time with your friends and see how they love you. You're a great big sister. Even though Cooper can annoy the fool out of you, you still take care of him and love him. He's lucky to have a sister like you.  

I love that you're always up for our next adventure whether it's trying venison heart with me or swimming to the bottom of the deep end of the pool. I know that we are going to have a good time when we're together. I hope the memories that we're making together will stay with you like they do with me. I smile often when I think about our time together. 

 I want to know that I pray for you often. I love seeing you come to know who Jesus is and you loving Him. I promise that as long as you keep your eyes on His will for your life He will lead you and always take care of your every need. 

Lorelai, I want to give you this advice as you are getting older. Never settle. Never settle for grades that are just good enough. Never settle for a boy that doesn't treat you the way I do. Never settle for friends that don't push you to be the best person you can be. If you never settle then you'll never stop growing and making yourself better. 

I love you Monkey Munch.


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