Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Weekend Recap: Labor Day!

With a full month of school under our belts, we were ready for Labor Day and a long weekend!  Friday, Grammy picked the kids up from school as a special treat, and Matt and I took that time to go on a mini-date for dinner and ice cream!  Our town opened up a new Mexican place a few months ago that we are absolutely obsessed with (seriously - we ate there three times in August).  We ate dinner there and then got some ice cream from DQ!

We had a rough night with LL Friday night (it happens randomly), so I was up for hours during the night with her.  Matt tried to let me sleep in on Saturday, but that didn't really work out either.  We all got up and moving and ready for the gym.  Now that school is in more of a routine, I really want to get my gym routine back also!

I got to work out about 20 minutes longer than I normally do, and it felt amazing!

Our public library was closed all summer long (isn't that crazy?!).  They built a new location and literally spent all summer moving.  I think they re-opened the Saturday before school started.  The kids and I typically live at the library in the summer, so we were really bummed about this!  We haven't had a change to go since it re-opened, so we went on Saturday.  It wasn't crowded at all and the new building is so nice!

We spent the afternoon grocery shopping, cleaning out my car, and doing chores.  With Matt's new job, we both only get paid once a month, so I'm having to re-vamp our entire budge and how/when we spend.  This also affects our normal grocery shopping habits, so we tried something new this month.  It took a lot of prep-work and a ton of time and organization, but I'm hoping it will work out and pay off!

I get email updates about events in Jacksonville since we've been there several times for things (Avengers Live, Disney on Ice, etc).  I got an email about Moster Jam being in Jacksonville this weekend.  Matt and I couldn't really decided if we wanted to take the kids or not.  My sister and her family were coming in town this weekend, so we asked if they wanted to go.  We figured if they did, we would.  And if they didn't, we wouldn't.  They did, so we hit the road around 4:00 to head down there for the 7:00 show.

Can you see our lunchboxes packed with dinner and pillows for the late night drive home?  #prepared

I got us the cheapest seats available, and they actually turned out to be really great seats!

This guy is always game for my crazy ideas, and I love him even more for it!

I knew that LL would enjoy the show, but I knew that Cooper would absolutely lose his mind.  We showed them videos before we went, and he was so pumped (they both were)!

Eating a pretzel and hanging with Uncle Gino.  :)

The Mullican 4 ready for the show!

The set-up for the night.

Literally as soon as it started Cooper was just beyond excited.  He was living his best life for sure!

Both kids loved it when the trucks actually tipped over and the tractor had to come and flip them over!

He used his spending money to buy trucks (duh).

LL and Ben did, too!

LL is such a good sport to hang with the boys when we do boy things!

The show started at 7.  Both kids typically go to bed at 7:30 (8:00 on the weekends), but this was Cooper when the show was still going on at 9:15 - haha.

We made it to the car about 9:45, and both kids were out almost instantly.  This is a small miracle because they both very very rarely sleep in the car!

We got back home around midnight Saturday night, so both kids slept in until 8:00 the next morning.  (All the praise hands!) . We went to both Gigi and Poppy's and Oma and Opa's to see them and Aunt Laura, Uncle Gino, and Ben.  We came home that afternoon to get our weekend chores done around the house.

One of the reasons that I'm so glad that we moved to a neighborhood is the opportunity for our kids.  Our next door neighbors have a 6 year old little boy.  We didn't get to meet him this summer, because his parents are Romanian and he spent the summer in Europe with his grandparents.  He and Cooper have been starting to play more, and the came over on Sunday and played in the playroom for a few hours!

Also-dont' judge our playroom.  We clean it on Sunday nights as a "re-set" and then let the kids just play in it through the week.  By Sunday afternoon, it's looking pretty rough!

We came to an allowance agreement with LL not long ago with chores around the house.  Her first pay day was Sunday!

Mondays are always better when we don't have work and school!  We enjoyed being lazy (and snuggling in bed).

We weren't lazy for too long, though.  I've got to fit in gym time when I can!

We spent most of Monday at home, and Cooper's friend next door came over to see if Cooper wanted to come play for a little while.  His dad sent us this sweet picture!

We had a good balance over our long weekend of fun, chores, getting rest, and staying busy!  

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