Thursday, December 15, 2016

Weekend Recap: Kicking off Christmas edition

Now that it's Thursday, I'll get around to posting our weekend recap.  ;)

Friday morning Matt sent me this picture at school - Cooper was under the table "fixing it".  I just love having a boy in our house!

During my planning time, I went to LL's class for parent/student time.  We graphed Christmas tree ornaments and made a ginger bread ornament together.  It was so fun!

I loved getting to see her in a classroom environment!

Matt was in charge of getting Cooper dressed for school (usually I pick out his clothes).  Insert wide-eyed emoji here.  Hot.  Mess.

After school, the kids and I had a date night while Matt was hunting.  We went to Target for a birthday present for one of Cooper's little friends and then to DQ for dinner and ice cream!

I saw this on facebook and sent it to Emily.  Whew.  It was a rough week last week!  I'm not going to get into specifics right now (I'm trying to decide what to share and what not to share as well as figure out what family is comfortable with me putting out there), but my extended family could use a lot of prayer right now.  We've got a hefty load of medical issues going on right now.

After the kids went to bed, Matt had our first present wrapping session of the season!

Saturday morning, Coop and I headed off to a birthday party for one of his school friends.

Froyo at 10am on a Saturday?  Yes.

Cooper was rocking it out as the only boy.  #genius

That afternoon, we went to a local Santa event that had lots of fun stations that all lead up to meeting Santa!  First up was a coloring station:

Then we did a live nativity station, a Christmas cookie station, and then an ornament making station!

Our bffs were there, and it was a Christmas miracle that Logan let me snuggle him for a little while.  Persistence pays off - he's going to love me whether he wants to or not - haha.

I took pictures of the kids with Santa, but they're on my big camera and I haven't loaded them into the computer yet (and don't have time now) #lazy #orjustbusy so I'll post them soon!

That night for dinner, I cooked some homemade corn chowder.  It was a cold day and perfect for it!

Sunday morning we bundled up for church!

I love this backdrop our church has set up!

Sunday evening Matt and LL went to see a Christmas program at Grammy's church while Cooper and I stayed home and watched a movie, did laundry, and cleaned his room (be jealous).  It was a fun weekend!


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