Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Thanksgiving Break Fun

With a whole week together over Thanksgiving break, we tried to fit in as much fun together as possible!  Here are some of the things we were up to:

The Friday that break started, Cooper had his Thanksgiving Feast at school.  Last year, Matt went to see Cooper at his Feast.  This year, we were both able to go watch Cooper!  His sweet class sang two songs.  Here is a video of the first song, and here is a video of the second song.  When he got done singing, he got to come sit with us and watch the other classes perform.  He was not in a picture taking mood!

After all of the classes got done singing, we went to eat a snack with lots of cute crafts the kids had made.  Before we left for snack, they said prayer and I took this precious video of Cooper praying.

I love this little turkey!

I loved his cute placemat!

After his program, I headed back to school.  Matt told Cooper that he could pick somewhere for lunch and he picked one of his favorite - Waffle House!

He is so cute sitting at the bar!

The same day, LL had a field trip with her class!  A sweet friend sent me this picture of LL and some classmates.

After our trip to Atlanta to move my sister into her new house (and eating out alllll weekend), I had to get back to reality!

I had to get some new pants for work - my first time in a size 2!

I was so happy to be home with my kiddos and have some down time!  Playing with leggos was a favorite!

Cooper also had a chiropractor appointment this week.  We started him going to the chiropractor 2.5 years ago to help with both speech and reflux.  Now, he still goes once a month to manage his reflux.  He loves it and it works!  No more meds for this guy!

My buddies!

Even though her birthday is the very first of November, Emily and I finally got to sneak in some time together to celebrate!  I love this girl and froyo, so it was a perfect evening!

My new favorite healthy thing to eat: Vanilla greek yogurt, fresh strawberries, and granola - yum!

Even if I'm gross from a work out, he'll still snuggle me.  PS - how cute is his cheese face?!  :)

A few weeks ago Matt took LL hunting (while Cooper and I had our mother/son night).  Over Thanksgiving break, it was Cooper's turn!

Shockingly, they actually saw a deer!  It was the first time ever that either of our kids has seen a deer while hunting with Daddy!

Our neighbors came over one night, and LL was so smitten with their little girl, Brantley.  She was so sweet with her and loved holding her (sorry kid - no more babies here!).

Our Elf, Sparkle, always comes the morning after we decorate for Christmas.  Since we got our tree on Black Friday, she was there the next morning!  She always brings donuts, pj's, and a new book for each kid!

The kids had a bowling birthday party to go to for their bff Luke.  Both kids love bowling, so they had a blast!  I actually took zero pictures while we were there (mom fail), but thankfully Meghan sent these to me!

After the party, we stopped by DQ for a late lunch!

Isn't this just perfect?  Christmas lights, Gilmore Girls, and a sleeping dog.

It was smiles all around the next morning before church!

We ended the break the best way possible - kids playing outside and Mommy and Daddy enjoying the fire pit.

Crazy Lola got in my lap for a little while.

Since we got Aspyn, Lovie has not been happy.  They do not get along, and she spends all of her time inside hiding (if she's not eating).  This night was a big deal because she ventured into the living room (where Aspyn was!) to get some snuggles.  I guess she got desperate for some attention!

That's all for Thanksgiving break!  Now the countdown to Christmas is on!


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