Thursday, March 31, 2016

Easter 2016

Our Easter plans had to change quite a bit this year due to rain.  I feel like it has been raining so much lately!  I didn't love not getting to do all of our activities (Church Easter festival, hunting eggs outside, etc), but there's not much we could do about it!  We just carried on!

One fun thing we could do even with rain?  Dye eggs!  We actually ended dyeing them on two separate days, but the kids sure weren't complaining!  Both times we dyed them at Grammy and Pop's since that's where they would be hunting for the eggs anyway.  This way we didn't have to worry about transporting them.

This girl is a pro!

I was impressed with Cooper this year!  Dyeing the eggs held his attention for much longer than it did last year.  He also was pretty gentle (which is a relative term with Cooper) with the eggs during the process.

The final product of round 2!

One of the things that we also like to do every year (that doesn't depend on weather) is to do resurrection rolls.  This was the first year that Cooper really had an understanding of the reason behind doing them and already knew about the story of Jesus on the cross!

Don't you love his crown?  It's one of LL's from school that he insisted on wearing - haha.

Team work!

The kids got lots of awesome goodies in their Easter baskets.

LL got a new bible (in the back), some candy, and a bunny.

Cooper got some new books, some candy, a dinosaur, and a shirt.

We woke up on Easter morning ready to celebrate!

We actually did have kind of a rough morning getting ready for church.  The devil was at work to steal our joy for sure!  We did all manage to get ready and to church on time, though.

My beautiful girl!

The back of her dress.  Grammy did a beautiful job.

My handsome boy!  A boy in a bowtie just kills me.  So.  Stinkin.  Adorable.

This is his personality 100%.

It was pretty drizzly when we left for church, but we managed to get a few pictures on the porch before we left.

These two fill up my heart!

All the heart eyes for this one.

Our attempt at a family picture after church wasn't the greatest.  It was drizzling, and the kids wanted to play!

Thankfully we got an amazing picture before we went into church.  He is risen!

Here's a look back at our family over the last 7 years of Easters!  I always love seeing how much we change over the years!

My babies!  It always amazes me how much they grow in a year!

Even with the rain and less activities than normal, we still had a fantastic Easter.  You can look back at our past Easters here:


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