Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Father/Daughter Dance 2016

A few years ago, Matt started the tradition of taking LL to the local father/daughter dance near Valentine's Day.  LL loves it and always looks forward to it.  Last year, she got a stomach virus the day of the dance and wasn't able to go.  This year she was extra looking forward to it since she missed it last year!  The dance was the day after her birthday, which is one of the reasons that we didn't do her party until the weekend after her birthday.  

Getting ready for her big date!

My beautiful girl ready to go!!

As a fun extra bonus, she lost one of her bottom teeth earlier in the day!  She was so excited!  A dance and a tooth fairy visit all in one night!

Two super special pieces of jewelry - the pearl bracelet that Matt bought her when she was born and her brand new birthstone ring that she got for her birthday from Mrs. Kayla and Mr. Andrew.

Two of my favorites!

LL is blessed to have a Daddy that is over the moon about her!

Her missing tooth!

Daddy and LL went on a double date to the dance with our neighbor and his daughter.  They went to Roadhouse for dinner before the dance!

A super fancy hot dog dinner.  ;)

Daddy did great sending me some pictures from the dance!  Matt also sent me a few videos of him and LL dancing.  He said that they danced from the moment they got there until the moment they left!  Here's Shake It Off, LL doing the Stanky Leg, and LL doing the Whip and Nae-Nae.

She wasn't upset - just loving her Daddy!

On the way out, Matt took some pictures of her in front of these cute signs.

While Daddy and LL were at the dance, Gigi and I took Cooper out to a solo dinner!  I just love this kid in a beanie.

Not much cooperating for a picture with Mommy.  The life with a busy 3 year old boy!

All of us had a great night!!  Now that Cooper is older, I can see me taking him on his own date while Daddy and LL are at the dance.  One on one time with our kids is so precious!

You can look back on LL's past dances with Daddy here:
2014 (5 years old)
2013 (4 years old)


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