Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My 31st Birthday

This year for my birthday, I had a feeling it would be must more low-key than last year.  I mean, after pulling off such a great surprise party, there's no way they could top that again!  This year was actually pretty perfect for me: low-key and spent with family.

Matt and the kids kicked off my day perfectly: pancakes and presents!

I told Matt that what I really wanted to do was to go eat hibachi with the kids.  LL has been (only a few times) and Coop has never been.  They both love the food, and I figured they would love the show, too.  Before we left for dinner, Matt got a few pictures of me with the kids.

This is real life trying to take pictures with young kids, isn't it?  Wrangling everyone up.

My world!

If this is what my life looks like at 31, I'd take it over my 20's any day.

Cooper was not quite so sure what this whole dinner was about - haha.

LL was pumped!

Gigi and Poppy came with us to hibachi!

This picture cracks me up.  But everyone enjoyed the show!

Cooper looked like this pretty much the whole time.  But he really did enjoy it and had a good time.  His personality is one that will really sit back and soak in everything that is going on.

I love this man!  I wouldn't want to grow old with anyone else - that's for sure.

We got LL to take a picture for us, and she actually did a better job than I expected!

The week after my birthday, Emily and I went out to dinner at Atlanta Bread to celebrate.  We have a tradition where we take the other one out wherever they want to go for their birthday - just to the two of us.  I love it!

Another birthday tradition is a carvel ice cream cake from my dad.  Also a fav!

Kayla also surprised me at work with another birthday present -some awesome Kendra Scott earrings!

I also had a few amazing people who made me feel special on social media:

My mom posted this pic of me and my grandfather on my birthday and all she said was "You've come a long way" - haha.  It cracked me up.  (I was a premie - super small and super weird looking.  I was about 2 months old in this picture)

30 was great, but so far 31 is starting out even better!


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