Monday, May 4, 2015

Daily Robyn: March

Here are all of my #dailyRobyn posts from March!

Day 60: Our lifegroup had a night at the bowling alley.  This was LL's first experience bowling.  She was hesitant at first, but she loved it by the end!

Day 61: My new shirt was definitely getting me in the mood for our upcoming trip to Arizona!

Day 62: This is when my kids are at their happiest - hot, sweaty, dirty, and outside.

Day 63: Truth

Day 64: A #tbt to our family pictures in the summer of 2011 when LL was just 2.5 years old (the age Cooper is now).  Why oh why do they have to grow up so fast??

Day 65: Cat In The Hat day at school!

Day 66: After years of talking about it, we finally bit the bullet and bought some chickens!

Day 67: Sunday Funday with Ben in town!

Day 68: LL is in love with our chickens.  This is Gretchen Weiners.

Day 69: A new cut and color!  Just what I needed for spring and for our vacation.

Day 70: The one week countdown until our vacation in Arizona!

Day 71: A GNO with my favorite ladies.  I'm blessed with some awesome friends!

Day 72: Grammy and Pop took Cooper on a field trip to the grocery store!

Day 73: That awkward moment when you realize two of your chickens are actually turkeys.

Day 74: Daddy and Mr. Andrew (Nunu) let Cooper put in some work on the chicken house.

Day 75: While I had an in-service day at work, these two had a blast helping Grammy and Pop plant the garden all day.

Day 76: No one was going to pinch this sweet girl!

Day 77: We made it safe and sound (and exhausted) to Arizona!

Day 78: We loved our tram tour of Sabino Canyon!

Day 79: Good morning from Tucson.

Day 80: Good bye, Arizona.

Day 81: The only type of sagging I don't mind.  ;)

Day 82: you know you're ready for spring when you and your bff show up to work looking like completely coordinated Easter eggs (and completely by accident).

Day 83: You know your kids had a blast outside when your floor looks like this when you undress them for bath.  And when you realize that you stayed outside 45 minutes past dinner time and no one complained.

Day 84: We're in that awkward, teenage phase.

Day 85: LL fell asleep like this at 4:30 after school one day.  I'd say that's worn out.

Day 86: Just one of those days where you miss your big sister.

Day 87: Hello, spring!

Day 88: I love this weather and I love this girl!

Day 89: This booger refused to go to sleep unless we put his bean bag in bed with him.

Day 90: On vacation in California.  That sure was a biiiiig belly (especially for only 26 weeks!)

You can see my past #dailyRobyn posts here:



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