Thursday, July 3, 2014

Jamaica - Day 4

If you've missed the previous days of our trip, you can check them out here:
Day 1 and 2
Day 3

Since we spent the entire day before at the beach, we wanted to make sure that we spent some time at the pool.  I'm not much of a beach swimmer, but I do like swimming in a pool.  This pool at the resort (there were several) was gorgeous.  It was also the biggest.  We spent the entire morning at the pool, and we honestly had so much fun.  We alternated between swimming and spending time in the pool and laying out.  It was just so relaxing, and I loved it.

Beautiful day!

Laying out and reading - my favorite thing to do!

Matt convinced me to take a break from my Strawberry Daiquiri and try a Pina Colada.  It was good, I won't lie!  But I still preferred my "strawberry ting"  ;)

We headed back close to lunch time so that we could change for lunch.  On the way back to our villa, we passed by the beach that we spent yesterday morning at, and the view was just breathtaking!

A nice passerby stopped and offered to take a picture for us.

Headed to lunch and to check in with the kids.  We took this picture of the lobby looking down to where the pool area was.  Isn't this building just so pretty??

This is looking up the same staircase.

After lunch we headed back to our room.  We were going to go to the beach again, but it was starting to look like rain.  We ended up just staying in the room and watching a movie for the afternoon.  This was our last night at the resort, so we decided to check out the seafood restaurant.  Our maid left some pretty flowers in our room, so I grabbed this one before we left.

The storm stopped right when we got to dinner, and we got an amazing view!  This is overlooking the beach where Matt snorkeled the day before.  We also got there right at sunset.  It was amazing!

We had high hopes for this restaurant since we both like seafood a lot, but it honestly wasn't that great.  For appetizer, Matt got conch three ways.

I got a crab cake.

For the entree, Matt got tuna steaks.

I got open faced seafood lasagna.  Honestly, I didn't like it at all.  

For dessert, we decided to get two and split them.  The first thing we got was a chocolate hamburger.

And also some kind of banana pie.  Both were good!

After dinner, we headed back to the room to start organizing things to go home.  This was our last full day in Jamaica, so we decided to go ahead and start getting things ready to make the journey home!


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