Monday, July 28, 2014

Cooper's 2nd Birthday Letter From Daddy

Coop Man!

     My big boy. It's been two awesome years since you've come into our lives and let me tell you they have been great! I used to imagine what it would be like having a son and now that I have you it's better than I ever dreamed it would be. I love walking into your bedroom every morning and seeing that happy face just ready to begin the day. You're so full of life and happiness that even sleepy old daddy is ready to play.

One thing is certain, there is never a dull moment around you. You are in to everything and we have to stay on our toes to keep you from climbing the highest piece of furniture in the room. I love your energy and excitement for every second of the day.

You love this family and we love you. It's amazing to me to look down and see my mini-me following me around (well, usually it's actually me chasing you) and it makes me want to be a better dad. I'm doing my best to model what a Christian father and husband is to you already. You see son, one day you will meet a woman whom you fall deeply in love with and will want to marry and have a family. (I'm already praying for that girl) I know the responsibility to raise you to be that husband and father rests squarely on my shoulders and I will not let you down.

But right now the one thing that you're worried about is having fun and I'm here to have that fun with you and to teach you about this world. You're my best buddy and you've made me and your mother so happy. I'm so excited to see what the coming year has in store and I know it's going to be a blast.

I love you!


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