Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Afternoon at Gigi's

After our morning at the Honeybee Festival, we headed home for naps.  When the kids woke up, we headed out to have dinner at Gigi and Poppy's house.  It was an absolutely beautiful afternoon, and we spent some time just letting the kids play outside in Gigi's backyard.  They both absolutely love to be outside, and they were both in fantastic moods.  It was just one of those perfect afternoons where you are so aware of how blessed you are and how much you love your life and family!

Happy to be outside and playing!

She insisted on wearing one of the medals that we gave out as party favors at her birthday party.  You can even see it in some of her pictures from the HoneyBee.

You've got to throw in some silly faces!

The most wonderful kids in the world!


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