Friday, February 22, 2013

20 Questions: LL at 4 Years Old

Last year, I started the tradition of asking LL a set of questions on her birthday.  I'll continue to do this every year, and I think it's going to be a really fun way to see how she changes over the years.  I asked the exact same questions that I asked last year.

Again, I did not change her answers (or lead her at all) for any of these questions.  I just asked her and wrote down what she said.  

1- What is your favorite color?  Blue

2- What is your favorite toy?  Stuffed animals

3- What is your favorite fruit? Apples and strawberries

4- What is your favorite thing to watch on TV? Tinkerbelle and her sister

5- What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Soup

6- What is your favorite thing to wear? Pink dress

7- What is your favorite game to play? Hungry Hippos

8- What is your favorite snack? Big crackers (cheeze its)

9- What is your favorite animal? Baby elephants and bunnies

10- What is your favorite song? Oh This God

11- What is your favorite book? Winnie the Pooh books at Gigi's

12- Who is your best friend? Greysen

13 - What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Strawberries

14- What is your favorite thing to do outside? Find caterpillars

15- What is your favorite drink? Chocolate milk

16- What is your favorite holiday? Valentine's Day

17- What do you like to have in bed with you at night to sleep with? Airplane stuff (a Polly Pocket airplane that she got for her birthday)

18- What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Meat (which is NOT true - haha)

19- What do you want to be when you grow up? A princess

20- What is your favorite way to wear your hair? Down

You can see her answers to these questions last year here.  :)


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