Thursday, September 13, 2012

LL's Weekly Work - Week 4

Lorelai's 4th week of school was from September 5 - 7.  She only went three days this week because Monday was Labor Day and Tuesday she had her first dentist appointment.

This week they had a children's literature week instead of doing their usual letter, number, shape, and color.  Her teacher was gone for two days (Thursday - Friday), so this actually worked out well for LL to miss a day.  They read books like "The Three Little Pigs", "Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom", and "The Gingerbread Baby".  They built walls with brick blocks and had fun huffing and puffing to blow them down.  The also started learning the Pledge of Allegiance.  Next week will go back to normal learning!

Work that came home over the weekend:

Lorelai can cut a triangle!

Drawing circles (bubbles).

Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?

Not happy about pictures!




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