Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Easter Art

Just like at Valentine's Day, LL started bringing home lots of Easter art in the days leading up to Easter.  I LOVE that she's really able to work on little projects now and she comes home with some pieces that she and I area both really impressed with!  I also love that Grammy takes the time to work on things like this with her - I know that LL is just soaking it all in.  Here are the art projects that she came home with for Easter.  :)

These are the same cupcakes that LL and Matt ate at their tea party. The Easter crafts started coming in a few weeks early this year - I loved it!

I absolutely adore this egg that she made.  It will be one that we'll be keeping for forever, for sure!

This one is so cute to me.  I love that she used her little hand, that you can tell that she put a lot of work into it, and that you could ask her, "what is Jesus" and she would respond with, "my lamb".  :)

She did so good drawing the bunny face on this one!

I really loved this little wreath that she made!  It was tons of different eggs that she had colored/painted.  We actually hung this on our front door until a bad rainstorm came and ruined it.  :(

Thank you, Grammy, for doing such wonderful crafts with our girl!


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