Monday, April 16, 2012

LL's Chicks

After seeing how much LL LOVED seeing the chicks at her Chick Pics, Grammy got a wild hair and decided to buy LL some chicks.  Live chicks.  6 of them.  I thought she was crazy, but LL loved having them at Grammy's house!!  She had them there for about a week before they went to live on a chicken farm (for real - a friend of my mom took them).  Here are some cute pictures from LL's time as being mommy to these little chicks.

She was SUPER excited about them EVERY SINGLE DAY!

I had a great little shelf for them to sit on.  ;)

Honestly, Daddy and I loved them a lot more than we were willing to admit.  They were pretty darn cute.  

I think this was a pretty normal occurrence for this week - LL going about business as usual, but never leaving the chicks far behind!

Thanks, Grammy, for the pictures!  (And for living with chicks for a week!)


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