Monday, March 12, 2012

Lorelai's 3rd Birthday Letter from Daddy

Monkey Munch,

How in the world have you turned three years old?!? It seems like yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. You are such an amazing blessing to your mommy and me and it seems like I learn just as much from you as you learn from me. In trying to always be a better daddy I've learned how to be a better Christian, husband, and a more loving person all around. When I look at the world around I see so much going wrong and I want to raise you to be a light in the darkness. My prayer for you is that God will use you to change this world. I take that very seriously because I know it means I have to set the example, through the way I live, for you to follow. That's my promise to you; to be the best daddy possible my modeling Christ's love in the way I love your mommy, you, and your little brother.

This year is going to bring so many firsts. You're starting school (pre-k), becoming a big sister, and I'm sure many other things. I can't wait to share these experiences with you. Baby girl, daddy loves you. I always have and always will. I'm always here for you. Now, do me a favor and slow down growing up a little.

I love you.



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