Wednesday, February 8, 2012

19 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Growth:The baby is now about 8 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 8.5 oz. The baby is concentrating on brain growth and hair may be developing at this point. The baby is also starting to get covered in vernix – it’s basically a cheesy (gross – I know) substance that covers the baby. This substance helps with delivery (super gross) and protects the baby from all the water in my womb. Baby is now drinking lots and lots of amniotic fluid. Right now – the baby averages sleeping about 18 hours per day and is awake for about 6 hours a day.

My Symptoms:Well, I think it is safe to say that my nausea is gone! I haven’t felt sick in quite a while, and I’m even skipping over the nausea when it’s early in the morning. The only time I feel even remotely sick is when I let too much time pass between eating and get very hungry. Other than that, I think it’s gone! Finally! My energy is also still doing pretty good! I’m not running marathons or anything, but I’m definitely feeling like I have a good bit more! This was definitely put to the test this past week with LL’s party. It was a CRAZY week and I literally was non-stop last Friday with party stuff from 10 am – 10 pm. I was pretty exhausted that night!

I’m going to have to invest in some new bras SOON. Last time, my “girls” didn’t really do anything until my milk came in after LL was born. This time, I know that I have to have gone up at least one size already. My current bras are SO uncomfortable and I’m not going to last in them much longer. I HAVE to get to the store this weekend!

My belly really doesn’t feel quite as heavy anymore. It’s plenty big, trust me, but I don’t feel like it’s so awkward right now. And I think that right now it’s pretty cute. 

Constipation has also hit me big time. This was an issue that I dealt with HORRIBLY with LL and I was hoping to just skip over it this time. I guess that’s not gonna happen. It isn’t nearly as bad as it was with LL, but it’s still bad enough to the point where it’s annoying. Does anyone know if I take a stool softener in addition to my prenatal – will that make me go more? Not a fun topic, but it’s life!

Weight:This constipation is really messing me up! If I weigh on a day that I’m not backed up, it is a way different number than if I weigh when I haven’t gone in a few days. I mean crazy different. But I’m sticking to the “non backed up” weight because I think that’s fair. Poop is not weight I’ve gained – haha. So sticking with this theory, I’ve gained a pound. I don’t think that’s bad for 19 weeks at all!

Belly Pictures:I’m glad that Matt is back in town to take these for me again. Much easier!

Gender: There will hopefully be a post on this tomorrow! Check back!

Maternity Clothes:Same as last week. Mostly regular clothes with a few maternity thrown in here and there.

Movement:It is not consistent enough that I’m feeling movement every day now. It still isn’t crazy strong, but it’s definitely still there. I feel a lot more of the baby rolling around (vs. kicking) than I did with LL. I don’t really remember feeling anything with her other than hiccuping and kicking. I feel this one just a rolling around a ton! It’s so weird! But I totally love it! I also had my kid’s sale this past weekend (the same day as LL’s party – so crazy!) and my sis could feel kicking from the outside! Matt was super bummed that he missed it!

Sleep:It’s been AWESOME lately. And I could really use a ton more!

What I Miss:I really feel like not a whole lot right now. I’m super happy with this pregnancy and how it’s going right now.

What I’m Looking Forward To:Having a weekend with NO plans! Getting our office cleaned out so that I can start nesting –the urge has definitely hit!

Cravings:Still sushi. But I obvs haven’t had any. Not much else. I’ve been too busy to crave anything lately!

Best Moment of the Week: Our ultrasound that we totally lied about. :) And LL’s party. And her actual birthday. And the kid’s sale. And spending time with my sister, b-i-l, and nephew this weekend. And getting the pictures back from Lindsay! SOOOO much that was great this week!

My Concerns or Questions:When I went to the doctor last week, Marie left sick so I had to see someone else. So I still need to talk with her about everything that I listed last week. Plus, there are some concerns about the baby from my ultrasound (post coming soon – I promise!) that really need some prayer. I’m not freaking out – but I am concerned and would love it if you would pray!

Goals for the week:Catch up on all house stuff since my week was so crazy last week. I need to deep clean (dust, mop, etc) like it’s nobody’s business! Start getting the office/nursery cleaned out so that I have a blank canvas to work with!



Emily said...

So glad you are enjoying this pregnancy so much!!!!!!

Carter said...

This is my very first time that I am visiting here and I’m truly pleasurable to see everything at one place.
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