Wednesday, December 14, 2011

11 Weeks Pregnant!

Late is better than never, right?  I figured I needed to get this posted before I turn 12 weeks on Wednesday - haha..

Baby Growth: This week, our precious baby is almost 2 inches in length – about the same size as a fig! Little baby is also moving a ton! He/She can do summersaults, kick, and move his/her arms and legs. The webbing between the fingers and toes is now gone! The kidneys are fully functioning and the baby is producing urine. Also this week, blood will begin circulating through the baby’s body. My placenta will (finally!) start functioning this week, as well. Up until now, the baby has been receiving all he/she needs through the yolk sack. Baby is also able to get hiccups now!

My Symptoms: Boy, did week 10 go out with a bang! I felt AWFUL yesterday! I was experiencing roaring in my ears and an elevated heart rate (totally normal for both of these things – I checked). I was also nauseated on top of it. Not a good day! It seems like I’m on an “every other” day rotation now. I’ll feel horrible one day, and pretty good the next. I guess it’s a break, at least! No nausea meds this week, either – so it’s been about 2.5 weeks since I’ve had any. That’s pretty good. On the days that I feel terrible, I get tired VERY early. On the days that I don’t feel so bad, I can usually stay up a little later. My back has still been bothering me, but I’ve been sitting more at work this week, so it’s been better. It was terrible at church on Sunday when we had to stand for a good bit to sing. I’m finding myself having more food aversions. A lot of times, things sound absolutely DISGUSTING to me. This symptom is getting a lot worse. My mood swings are doing a lot better this week.

Weight: The scale at the doctor’s was right last week – I’ve lost a pound! Not bad! If this sticks, I’ll make it through my first trimester without gaining any weight! I gained 25 lbs exactly with LL, so that’s my goal with this baby, too.

Belly Pictures: I still need to order these stickers! I keep forgetting!

Gender: Starting to feel like this is a girl. I won’t make my for sure guess for a few more weeks, but this is still where I’m leaning towards. I think we’ve finally gotten our boy/girl names picked out, so that makes me really excited. We’re thinking about a new plan: finding out the sex, telling everyone, but then only telling them the baby’s INITIALS until they are born. That way, we can go ahead and know the gender, but still have a little bit of a surprise in there. What do you think?

Maternity Clothes: Nope. Not even the hair tie this week!

Movement: Really, I totally swear that I can feel this baby. It usually only happens once, maybe twice a week, but it totally does NOT feel like gas. It’s a legitimate thud inside my stomach. I’m still probably crazy, but I really think I can feel it. I felt LL for the first time at 12 weeks, so it’s kind of par for the course maybe, right??

Sleep: I have been sleeping soooo good. Once I’m out- I am OUT! For the first time ever this entire school year, I overslept until 6:00. I’m supposed to be up at 5:30, so I had to rush around like a crazy person to get to school on time! I’m also still sleeping on my stomach and it’s not uncomfortable at all yet.

What I Miss: Nothing really? I’m feeling pretty good right now! Maybe not feeling sick, but I know the end is near.

What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting out of school!! 2 more days and then I’m free until Jan 6! It can’t come fast enough! I’m also looking forward to my sis being in town this weekend. She and my bro-in-law are staying at my house Saturday (and both kids are going to my mom’s), so it’ll be really nice to have some adult time this weekend!

Cravings: Taco salad from SurEste again. ;) Good thing we’re going back this weekend! Nothing else really.

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: It’s not pregnancy related, but my absolute best moment this week was last night at dinner. We had Oma and Opa (and Ben!) over for dinner. At the dinner table, LL was singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reigndeer, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, and Jingle Bells to show off in front of everyone. It is the cutest thing EVER and I’m going to try as hard as I can to get it on video. She does SO GOOD and it’s adorable!

My Concerns or Questions: Still wondering when we should be able to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler since my uterus is tilted. I wonder if she’ll try again on Friday? Also, exactly how many more weeks am I going to get a progesterone shot? One or two? And when they stop, am I going to experience any cramping? I don’t think I have a UTI because I haven’t been feeling weird anymore, so I guess I don’t have to worry about that.

Goals for the Week: Clean my bedroom! We got the rest of the house pretty clean, but now it’s time for our room. It’s horrible right now! We also need to (still!!) get the office ready for my sis.


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