Friday, May 6, 2011

Easter Day

I signed up to volunteer in the toddler class at church, and Easter Sunday was actually my first day to help out.  What this meant for our family was that we went to the 9:15 service like normal (Matt and I in service, LL in class) and then we stayed again for the 11:00 service and LL and I were in the same room. 

Let me just first say that I don't think that was the best idea to work for the first time on Easter Sunday!  We had 4 services that day, and after the first 2, there had already been 1,500 people at the church.  Needless to say, when there are a lot of people, there are a lot of kids!  In the toddler class for the 11:00 service, we had 19 kids. 

By the time we left at 12:15, we were all exhausted.  We were going to have Easter dinner at Matt's parent's house, so we just headed over there after church so Lorelai could nap.  We never even had time to take pictures!

Once she woke up from her nap, we put her pretty Easter dress back on her and headed outside to take some pictures.

Do you like LL's dress?  Matt's mom made it!  You can buy one like it at her ETSY store, Lorelai's Closet.

After our picture taking, I took LL inside to get her changed into play clothes while Matt and Pop went outside to hide Easter eggs.

I love this one.  :)

Such a lady!

What did she enjoy even more than hunting eggs?  Playing (well, looking and chasing) a lizard (or "zilard" as she would say).

It was kind of a crazy day, but we really had a good time.  I love looking at how much LL has changed in the last year.  Here's her Easter post from last year!



Emily said...

wow toddler room on easter? you're a brave lady!

Anonymous said...

omg HOW CUTE! great blog girl!