Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2010 Goal Review

Alright.  I know that it's February, but I am trying my hardest to get caught up on blogging!  And I'm getting closer!  Here's a look back at my goals for last year and how I think I did with them:

1-Keep up with blogging.  I don't think that I did fantastic with this, but I don't think I did too horrible, either.  I did 80 posts last year which was up from 65 the year before.  So at least I improved!  This is for sure something that I want to keep up with for many more years, so I'm dedicated to doing even better with it this year!

2- Stick to our budget.  I think we did pretty good with this!  Better than years past, anyway!  And we have definitely done well with this since Matt has started Aflac because we haven't had a choice! 

3- Be a better wife.  I honestly have no idea how I did on this.  I feel like sometimes I did great, and sometimes I did horrible.  So I guess that means I pretty much stayed the same? 

4- I want to read the entire bible from cover to cover this year.   Uhhh.  yeah.  Didn't happen.  Way to go, Robyn.

5- Start Christmas shopping by the summer at the latest.  I didn't start BY the summer, but I did start in August!  And it was fantastic!  I did a great job at this!

6- Be the best mom that I can be.   I think I did a great job at this, too!  I am very happy with my parenting over the past year!  I don't think that I did everything perfect, but I didn't really expect to.  But I have no regrets, so I think that speaks volums in itself.

7- Keep and cleaner house.  Check!  While there were times that this for sure wasn't the case, it was much cleaner as a whole.  And that's awesome!  But this is for sure something that I still need to work on for this next year!

8- Get my "pre-baby" body back.  Ha.  Fail.

9- Make sure that I make some time for me this summer.  This didn't happen!  Grammy did watch LL some, but I mostly ran errands and cleaned house during my time "off".  Not much "me" time at all.  But I did lay out a lot while LL napped.  Does that count?

10. Form new, and better friendships.  I do think that this happened!  Matt and I joined a new church and have really started to make friends there!  And I've created a lot stronger friendships with friends that I already had over the past area.  For the first time in a long time, this area of my life feels great!

11.  Get back to being more involved in church.  This kind of went up and down.  But since we've joined CrossPointe, we've been doing really good at being involved.  We haven't jumped with two feet in, but we've been joining groups and really doing things the "right" way.
12.  Set aside date nights.  Uhh.  Not really.  We did have dates some, but really not on a regular basis.  We could probably work on this more.

13. Take LL to the beach.  This did happen!  We went to Daytona with the Parker's and LL had a BLAST!  We're for sure hoping to take her back again this summer!

14. Enjoy this year!  I did!  This year had its ups and downs like any other, but overall it was a very good year!  Nothing to complain about, that's for sure!

Up next?  Goals for 2011! 

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