Monday, February 14, 2011

23 Month Pictures

The first week in January, I really needed to get some pics of LL for her birthday invitations that I was about to order.  We weren't doing her professional 2 year pics for another 2 weeks or so, so I definitely couldn't wait for those.  Her lip finally healed from her teeth busting through, so I wasn't worried about that showing up in the pictures.  It was still freezing outside, but we decided to bundle her up anway and try to get at least one good one.  She was SO HAPPY to be outside, that we ended up getting a ton of good ones!  It feels like I haven't really taken pictures in forever, so I was really happy to be able to do that.  I don't know if any of you know, but it used to be a really big hobby of mine.  I had started to get pretty good at it (and started making a little money doing it), but then I got pregnant and it's just all gone out the window.  This did show me that, while I've lost some of it over time, I still have some of it!  Here are my favorite pictures out the bunch.  Not bad for a 10 minute photo session!

Do you have a favorite?


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