Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lorelai's 14 Month Pictures

Yes, I realize that Lorelai is now 15 months old, but this one is totally not my fault!  :)  Gino took these AMAZING pictures for me when they were here at the beginning of April for Matt's birthday, but because his life has been so crazy lately (I mean, it's not like he has a 9 month old or anything), he just recently has had time to edit them and make them georgeous.  Which means I just got them this week.  While they were here, we drove down to a sod field that is right down from our house and he took some pictures of both Ben and Lorelai.  If you don't remember the pictures that he took of LL at 5 months, you need to check them out, too.  They are equally amazing! 

Anyway, we set up LL's bubble machine at the sod field in hopes that she would hold still long enough for him to get some good shots.  And I very much think that he did!  Here are some of my favorites - enjoy!!

This one really shows off her pointing skills!

Love it!

Matt says she looks like a football player in this one. :)

My favorite of the bunch.

Another football pic!
The End.

1 comment:

Emily said...

duh LL looks adorable...but you look great too! I saw your shirt at Gap today!!! I bought 2 similar (don't have buttons but otherwise pretty much the same) I LOVE the material!!!